Free Webinar: 3 Reasons Women in Leadership Programs Fail

October 18, 2016  |  10AM PDT / 1PM EDT

Inclusive companies are 5x more likely to report they are agile, and 3.3x more likely to report they are high performing.

Despite best intentions, companies continue to struggle to advance women into leadership positions. In this webinar, learn about the barriers women face in the workplace, such as unconscious bias, limited networks, role model scarcity, and innovation bottleneck to name a few. Understanding the challenges women face as they advance to senior roles in their organizations is instrumental in order to change the face of leadership. 

After this webinar you'll be armed with the insights you need to impact your organization's traditional approach to gender diversity. 
In this webinar, you'll learn:
  • The challenges women face as they advance to senior roles in their organizations
  • Why, despite best intentions, women's development programs fall short
  • Insight into best practices - what companies are doing to close the gender gap

About the presenter:
Elizabeth Borges is Program Manager for EverwiseWomen, our 12-month, cross-organization development experience for women seeking to accelerate their careers. She's passionate about diversity and inclusion, human-centered innovation, and anything political. 

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